Quick Start
Here is everything you need to get started with using pystall.
From PyPi
You can install the project from PyPi using pip install pystall
or pip3 install pystall
From Source
clone this source repo using either the github button or git clone https://github.com/Descent098/pystall
Then in the root directory (the one with setup.py) run pip install .
or sudo pip3 install .
. This will install the package and it's dependencies. Keep in mind if you are looking to develop for pystall our contribution guide has information on how to get a dev environment setup.
Built-in resource library
There is a built in set of predefined resources for common packages, if you have a relatively simple setup this may be a good option for you. The full list of resources is available in the resource library list. In this example we are looking at a cross-platform example of installing python(latest version: I know very meta), golang, and micro:
from pystall.core import build
from pystall.library import python, go, micro
build(python, go, micro)
Custom defined resources
This script shows how to define your own resources based on the classes included in core of pystall. In this example I am defining: the python 3 latest installer the go installer and a static asset of an image (in this case a .png file):
from pystall.core import EXEResource, MSIResource, StaticResource, build
python = EXEResource("python-installer", "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.1/python-3.8.1.exe")
go = MSIResource("Golang", "https://dl.google.com/go/go1.13.5.windows-amd64.msi")
logo = StaticResource("Wallpaper", ".png", "https://canadiancoding.ca/static/img/post-banners/python-post-banner.9bf19b390832.png")
build(python, go, logo)
If your resource does not fit into the predefined subclasses then take a look at creating a custom subclass.
If you want logs while the script runs you can use the show_logs() function in the core library. Currently the show_logs() function only displays to stdout, but there are plans to add an optional file handler, and improve formatting down the road.
from pystall.core import build, show_logs
from pystall.library import python, go, chrome, micro
build(python, go, chrome, micro)